From the book:
This is a Commentary on the treatise “Nawāqiḍ al-Islām” (The Nullifiers
of Islām), compiled by the Imām and revivalist Shaykh Muḥammad bin
ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (May Allah have mercy upon him). These ten nullifiers are considered the most significant acts that invalidate one’s adherence to Islām.
The term “Nawāqiḍ” (nullifiers) is the plural of “Nāqiḍ” (a nullifier).
The word “Naqḍ” in Arabic refers to undoing or invalidating what was
established, whether a contract or a structure. A Nāqiḍ of something
is what renders it null and void. Thus, the Nawāqiḍ of Islām refers to
the acts that invalidate and nullify one’s Islām.
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